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No bullsh*t career advice for college students

Writer's picture: Caimile LoyCaimile Loy

Here's some top career advice on how to be successful. Don't be that person that learns these things too late in life.

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Whether you're a freshman just starting or a senior looking for a job, you probably have doubts about how this whole career-thing works. Here are eight no-bullsh*t career tips to keep in mind as you begin your adult life.

1. Most people are just as clueless and lost as you are.

No really, they are. Some people might seem super confident in their voice and job, but everyone experiences uncertainty and doubt. Life doesn't come with a clear manual, and neither does your career. A lot of what we do will require trial and error, and it's 100% normal to feel like you're figuring things out as you go. Remember, everyone else is doing the same.

2. Show loyalty to yourself, not your employer.

This doesn't mean you can't love your employer. It just means that you should prioritize your personal well-being and long-term goals over an unwavering commitment to any single company. You hear this cliché all the time: Maintain a good work-life balance. But what does that mean? It means that your employer is only a part of your life, not the thing your life revolves around.

3. Never stop learning.

Whatever you do, do not stop learning new things. That degree you earned in your 20s is not enough to carry you through the rest of life. Be adaptable, and keep an open mindset. How do you keep on learning past college? Read. Take courses. Participate in workshops. Learn from mentors. Learn from peers. Explore a new hobby. There are endless opportunities for you to reflect on something new, and apply it to your life.

4. Emotional intelligence reigns supreme.

Emotional intelligence is such a crucial component of success, both personal and professional. The top five things you can master in this area: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Don't underestimate these. At the end of the day, whether you're in an interview process or being evaluated by your company, employers fall back on skills rooted in emotional intelligence to judge your fit for their team.

5. Never speak negatively about a co-worker. Ever!

As an FYI, it's OK to vent to your partner, family, and even outside-of-work friends. But don't speak negatively about a co-worker to another co-worker, no matter how much you think you can trust them. Not only does speaking negatively about someone else oftentimes look bad on you, but even if the reasons for speaking that way are legitimate, you never know how the receiver is going to act after witnessing your attitude and words.

6. Work to live. Don't live to work.

When people are on their deathbeds, their biggest regret is never "I wish I had worked harder and longer." If you love your job and your work, that's awesome! But remember that work is only a part of your life, it is not your entire life. Sit down and figure out what matters most to you. Is your work ranked at the top? Perhaps, depending on where you're at in life right now, it is. But keep an open mind, and let your priorities shift as your interests and circumstances change.

7. Your career path is your responsibility.

You do all the right things. You work extra hard. You crush it in everything you're assigned. The next step in your career will fall right into your lap, right? Unfortunately, probably note. You might be super skilled at your job, but that isn't the same as being super skilled in managing a career. Do research, set goals, and then figure out how to achieve them while staying true to yourself and work-life balance.

8. Invest in yourself.

Make an effort to keep learning. Set goals, network (not necessarily with career-oriented intent), pursue your passions, and create a life that is meaningful and valuable to you, whatever that may look like. The best thing you could ever do is invest in yourself.

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